The vision for Pacific Gardens comprises an attractive, vibrant, prosperous, and uniquely memorable place which investors, stakeholders and the community are proud to be associated with. The Pacific Gardens masterplan comprises an integrated mixed-use precinct containing a mix of housing choices, typologies, and tenures, including family homes, young person apartments, work-live studios, senior-living and aged care facilities. Non-residential facilities include two hotels, a range of retail and hospitality outlets, vibrant civic squares, a village green, community centre, and a wide range of natural reserves and landscapes which help connect the development to surrounding facilities and neighbourhoods. The entire development is supported by a comprehensive range of design and technical guides designed to ensure all parts of the development meet design quality expectations.
Gaze Property Partnerships / ChangDa International NZ
Auckland, New Zealand
Project Value
$500m (Approx.)
Note: Project undertaken in partnership with Ministry of Architecture + Interiors (Auckland) (